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Local Employment support

Local Employment support 

Sign up to 1-2-1 job search support and mentoring by emailing luds@biglocalworks.org.uk or call (020) 7237 5221


As Greystar redevelops the Biscuit Factory, in the heart of Bermondsey, there are lots of employment opportunities coming to your local area!

Come and see us to enquire about training and support to apply for upcoming jobs in Construction and Related Sectors (General Office, Admin, Driving, etc)

Big Local Works provides practical advice, connects you with job opportunities and provides mentors that will stick with you, by your side, helping you to thrive on the journey ahead.

The programme is FREE and open to anyone aged 16+ who needs support in their search for employment.

Some of the key skills gained:

  • Self Confidence, resilience and networking skills
  • CV writing
  • Positive Teamwork
  • Conflict Management
  • Interview technique and preparation
  • Effective communications Skills

Get in touch if you would like more information on training courses here at Big Local Works.

email: luds@biglocalworks.org.uk for info or call

020 7237 5221

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