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The Blue Market





Since October 22, Southwark council has granted Big Local Works the licence to operate and manage the ‘Blue Market’ here in Bermondsey’s historic town centre.

This is a first for all involved and we are so excited, as a local charity, to take on the challenge of revitalising this historic market.

Our ambition is to provide a local, positive and pro-active management solution for the Blue Market, focused on supporting the local economy and local entrepreneurs to start a business here.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a fresh start so the market can realise its full potential and kickstart the revival of the area as a whole.

The vision is of a ‘People-Powered’ regeneration here, where we want to demonstrate the utopian value of the market square as a community space for multiple generations, multiple cultures, and the crossing of boundaries through trade, shared culture, improved communication, and civic participation.’

We want the Blue Market to:


• Be an exemplar of a truly cosmopolitan marketplace: it will bring in, support, and encourage variety and diversity

• Encourage people to trade, talk and socialize, and through this, understand, and collaborate with each other.

• Be the engine of the local economy, and of the community

• Thrive, so that it can compete, prosper, and become the go-to market for local people and begin to attract visitors from further afield.


Come join us here at the Blue on this people-powered journey…..hope to see you here soon!


For more info or if you want a market stall at the Blue Market please go to




Or contact us on info@thebluemarket.co.uk


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